Now Ukraine has an office at the European Committee of Cities and Regions
The European Summit of Cities and Regions is taking place in Mons, Belgium. Several hundred mayors, burgomasters, and regional ministers from dozens of countries in Europe and the world gathered there. “Ruthenia” joined the Ukrainian delegation at the invitation of the President of the Ukrainian Association of District and Oblast Councils – Tetyana Yehorova-Lutsenko.
And although the summit itself turned out to be a jubilee one – the tenth – the Ukrainian delegation has a double reason for joy. This year, within the framework of the summit, the Ukrainian office at this respectable European structure was solemnly opened.
To mark the importance of cooperation with Ukraine for European leaders of local self-governments, the opening of our representative office was attended by: General Secretary of the European Committee of Cities and Regions Peter Blizkovski, President of the Commission on Citizenship and Foreign Affairs of this Committee – Patrick Molinos, MEP Michael Heller, Chairman of the Commission on international relations of the French Grand Est region – Christian DeBev. A long-time supporter of Ukraine – the mayor of Gdańsk – Oleksandra Dulkiewicz was also present.
The guests talked about how important Ukraine is for the balanced functioning of the European Union, and did not ignore the pressing issues of the war in Ukraine. Tetyana Yehorova-Lutsenko thanked her European colleagues for all the help that Ukraine received from Europe during the war. And she emphasized how important the participation of European countries will be in the post-war reconstruction of certain regions of Ukraine that were destroyed by the Russian invaders.
At the invitation of Tetyana Yehorova-Lutsenko, the President of the Committee of European Regions Vasco Alves Cordeiro will visit Ukraine together with the French president in a month.
As for us, the “Ruthenia” team, we have established excellent horizontal relations with the local authorities of Belgian cities, discussed future joint projects with some mayors, primarily in the field of charitable activities for the benefit of Ukrainian soldiers.