Check out our updated YouTube channel “RUTHENIA – regnum in Europa”
Dear subscribers, friends. You know that all our efforts are only for you.
We constantly try to improve and improve our products, make them more attractive and recognizable. This time it’s time to update our YouTube channel “RUTHENIA – regnum in Europa”.
As you could see earlier, we have made the logo and background of our channel more beautiful and brighter. And this time we were “dizzy” for new screensavers. Now they are in the same style, and in our traditional colors – so that you can easily see and recognize them in your YouTube feed. Now they stand out both by the thematic picture and the name. So it will be easier for you to understand what our next video is about.
In addition, if you go to our YouTube channel “RUTHENIA – regnum in Europa”, you will see that we have already released videos classified by lists. So far, there are two of them, but a third will be added later – let it be an intrigue for now.
We made the first list for our International Charity Organization “RUTHENIA”. We hold many charity events in Brussels, Ghent, Mechelen, even in Kyiv – a week ago, the “Mission of Ihor Vitenko” handed over ambulances and medical equipment. And we will cover all these activities, our participation in European summits and other lobbying platforms for you.
Another list of videos will be about our new project “Cyborgs_Brotherhood – Cyborg Brotherhood: Veteran Hub”. This project will work with Ukrainian veterans and other people affected by the war. Therefore, the list will include videos about the veterans themselves, about those who help them, about our charitable activities within the framework of this project. But the most important thing is that this list of videos will include interviews with our specialists – in particular, combat psychologists. There, on the YouTube channel, there is already a lot of purely educational material from our Israeli partner – combat psychologist Alex Galchynskyi. He tells how to live and communicate with our warriors with PTSD. Be sure to check it out – everyone who currently lives in Ukraine will need it.
So visit our renewed YouTube channel “RUTHENIA – regnum in Europa” and enjoy the new design and new videos.
Have a good viewing.