Military hospital
The war on Ukrainian land continues, the life-threatening disaster continues and breakes the destinies of millions of people.
Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men and women are nobly defending their homeland. Heavy fights take place every day, 60-100 Ukrainian soldiers are killed at the front, and more than 500 are got injured. Their deeds are priceless: mutilated bodies pierced by shrapnel and bullet wounds, amputated limbs, injuries, contusions, phantom pain, war-torn souls. Each of them has pain and longing in his eyes, but at the same time faith and confidence in victory.
Of course, they are provided with qualified and specialized medical care, prosthetics of lost limbs. After undergoing treatment, servicemen face the problem of restoring their functionality. After all, the consequences of injuries and prolonged confinement in bed withlimited mobility lead to atrophy and weakening of muscles, lead to the formation of the contractures, that makes limited ability to move . In cases of prosthetics, even after saving the limb, effective repositioning of bone fragments or fixation of spinal fractures, contusions, rehabilitation is required. This is a very important task, without which the full return of servicemen to a peaceful life is not possible.
Unfortunately, as a result of hostilities and the occupation of certain regions, much of the rehabilitation centers have been lost, the logistics of providing assistance to the victims have become much more difficult, and the number of servicemen in need is huge.
Our injured defenders must learn to live in a new way! And it is our responsibility to help them as much as possible.
The priority of the Ruthenia Charitable Organization (Belgium) and the Happy Old Age Charitable Foundation (Ukraine) is to provide comprehensive physical and psychological rehabilitation of injured servicemen to fully restore their functions, adapt to prostheses and return to full social life.
A house with a total area of 883 m2 is provided for our use free of charge. The building needs renovation to adapt it for further rehabilitation. To date, the condition of the premises has been assessed and a design estimate has been prepared. Fundraising is currently underway for further repairs. In order to put the house into operation as soon as possible.